IJO Mechanics

The IJO consists of two separate sales, which run concurrently: the Basic Sale and the Unlimited Sale. This document explains how the two sales operate and how allocations are calculated. In both sales the absolute maximum number of BUSD that may be used to buy the IJO token is capped at the dollar value of LEONS locked in Locked Staking. Users are free to commit their BUSD to either or both sales but cannot exceed the total USD value of their locked LEONS.

The Basic Sale will be allocated a percentage of the total IJO token sale amount. Users who opt to partake in the Basic Sale will be able to commit a maximum of $100 USD of BUSD. If the allocation is over-subscribed, meaning the total value of committed BUSD exceeds the value of the IJO tokens allocated to the Basic Sale, then the IJO tokens will be distributed to users as a percentage proportional to their share of the committed BUSD. All unused BUSD will be returned to users. The exact figures involved will vary from IJO to IJO but here is an example based on a hypothetical IJO where 25% is allocated to the Basic Sale.

Example: 5x oversubscribed sale

Number of tokens allocated to Basic Sale




Total USD of total Basic Sale


Total USD value of BUSD committed in Basic Sale


US$ of your committed BUSD


Your share of all committed BUSD


Your allocation of IJO tokens


Cost of your allocation


USD value of returned BUSD


Last updated